Saturday, March 30, 2013

NLP: Umpama Musang Melihat Anggur

Pada suatu hari, seekor musang melihat serumpun buah anggur yang masak ranum bergantungan dari pokok anggur. Buah anggur itu kelihatan begitu ranum, lazat dan berisi penuh. Mulut musang ternganga serta menitiskan air liur saat melihat buah anggur tersebut.

Buah anggur itu tergantung pada dahan yang tinggi. Musang harus melompat untuk mencapainya. Pada pertama kali melompat untuk mengambil buah tersebut, musang tidak dapat mencapainya karena buah itu tergantung cukup tinggi. Kemudian musang berlari sambil melompat, tetapi masih juga tidak dapat mencapai buah anggur tersebut. Musang terus mencuba dan mencuba, tetapi semua usaha yang dilakukannya sia-sia belaka.

Akhirnya musang duduk dan memandang buah anggur itu dengan rasa tidak puas hati.

"Betapa bodohnya aku" kata musang. "Aku terus mencuba dan mencuba hanya untuk mengambil buah anggur yang kelihatannya tidak enak dan masam untuk dimakan".

Kemudian musang berjalan pergi dengan perasaan yang sangat kesal.

* Banyak orang yang berpura-pura memperkecil erti sesuatu yang tidak dapat mereka capai.

Sumber: Internet

NLP: Bahagiakah Anda?

Maxwell suatu ketika pernah dijemput untuk menjadi penceramah bersama isterinya, Margaret di suatu seminar mengenai kebahagiaan. Ceritanya berlaku ketika Margaret sedang menjadi penceramah di salah satu sesi. Seperti biasa, Maxwell duduk di bangku paling depan untuk mendengar.

Di akhir sesi, semua pengunjung bertepuk tangan. Di sesi soal-jawab, seorang ibu mengangkat tangannya untuk bertanya. Ketika diberikan kesempatan, pertanyaan ibu itu seperti ini, "Miss Margaret, apakah suami anda membuat anda bahagia?"

Seluruh ruangan langsung terdiam. Satu pertanyaan yang bagus. Dan semua peserta tertunggu-tunggu jawapan Margaret. Margaret seperti berpikir beberapa saat dan kemudian menjawab, "Tidak!". Seluruh ruangan langsung terkejut. "Tidak," katanya sekali lagi, "Maxwell tidak pernah membuatku bahagia."

Seisi ruangan langsung menoleh ke arah Maxwell. Maxwell juga menoleh-noleh mencari pintu keluar. Rasanya ingin cepat-cepat keluar. Malu!

Kemudian, lanjut Margaret, "Maxwell adalah seorang suami yang sangat baik. Ia tidak pernah berjudi dan mabuk-mabukan, dia setia, selalu memenuhi keperluan saya, baik jasmani maupun rohani. Tapi, tetap dia tidak mampu membuatku bahagia."

Tiba-tiba ada suara bertanya, "Mengapa?"

"Kerana," jawabnya, "tidak ada seorang pun di dunia ini yang bertanggung jawab atas kebahagiaanku selain diriku sendiri."

Dengan kata lain, maksud dari Margaret adalah, tidak ada orang lain yang boleh membuat kita bahagia. Baik itu pasangan hidup kita, sahabat kita, wang kita atau hobi kita. Semua itu tidak mampu membuatkan kita bahagia kerana yang bisa membuat diri kita bahagia adalah diri kita sendiri.

Kita bertanggung jawab atas diri kita sendiri. Kalau kita sering merasa cukup, selalu percaya diri, kita tidak akan merasa sedih. Sesungguhnya pola fikir kita yang menentukan apakah kita bahagia atau tidak, bukan faktor luar.

Bahagia atau tidaknya hidup kita bukan ditentukan oleh seberapa kaya diri kita, seberapa cantik isteri, atau sesukses mana hidup kita. Ini masalah pilihan: apakah kita memilih untuk bahagia atau tidak.

Sumber: Internet

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Dr AK: Seminar MATLAB, Kuala Lumpur

28 Mac 2013. Seminar MATLAB di Hilton, Kuala Lumpur. Ke sana dengan komuter dari UKM ke KL Sentral (sebelah Hilton) untuk mengemaskini pengetahuan mengenai MATLAB versi 2013. Sekarang interface lebih mesra-pengguna, nampak macam perisian biasa; Excel, Word dan lain-lain.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Dr AK: Fosil Tulang Lembu Bukit Kepelu

25 Mac 2013. "Tulang lembu siapa di Bukit Kepelu, Kodiang?" tanya saya dalam hati ketika melihat fosil yang dipamerkan. Lawatan ke Muzium Geologi, UKM dilakukan bersama dengan pelajar Tahun 2 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam & Struktur, UKM yang sedang mengikuti kursus "Geoteknik 1" semester ini. Separuh semester mereka didedahkan dengan pengetahuan Geologi dan separuh lagi dengan Mekanik Tanah. Terima kasih kepada Puan Marilah dan Puan Hanieda kerana membantu dan melancarkan aktiviti ini. Saya hargai partisipasi dari semua yang terlibat.    

Friday, March 22, 2013

NLP: Collapsing Anchors

The Idea:

You remember anchoring from the foundational NLP patterns, and now it's time to learn how to set two anchors (a negative and positive anchor) on a collision course with each other in order for the positive anchor to cancel out the negative one. The Collapsing Anchors pattern is useful when we observe two radically different states operating within us at the same time, interrupting each other, interfering with each other, or even worse, creating self-sabotage. Examples of opposing states would be:
  • Feeling happy, while feeling anxious
  • Feeling motivation, while feeling hesitation
  • Feeling attraction, while feeling fear
Crashing these two opposing states into each other within the neurology creates a strange starburst of a reaction, resulting in temporary confusion, disorientation, or even light amnesia, after which the force of the negative state is consumed and digested by the positive state.
Personally I don't like the name "collapsing anchors", as much as I like to think of this pattern as negative state annihilation, because I think this is what's really happening inside neurology. Whatever you call this pattern (others call it "integrating anchors"), it really works, but don't try it until you first master setting anchors one at a time.

The Pattern:

NLP Collapsing Anchors

1. Access and anchor the negative state

  • What state do you get into often that interferes or interrupt you when you're involved in something important or critical?
  • What buttons do you have that you find others pushing?
  • Access that state right now... go into it now and see what you see, hear what you hear, and feel what you feel when you're at the height of the state.
  • When you're feeling that completely, now, I'm going to touch you right here (touch the left knee or left palm).
  • Test the negative anchor and calibrate the negative state.
2. Break state
  • Is that smoke on the horizon? Naw, maybe that's just a cloud.
3. Access and anchor the positive state
  • Now, what would you like to experience in that situation?
  • See what you'll see, hear what you'll hear, feel what you'll feel when you're in that resourceful state fully.
  • Now take that feeling and double it... spin it faster... make the colors bolder, and the picture larger. Add your favorite rock music to the feeling, and turn it up!
  • When you're feeling that completely, now, I'm going to touch you right here (touch the right knee or the right palm).
  • Test the positive anchor and calibrate the positive state.
4. Break state again
  • What's your favorite holiday? And what's your second favorite holiday?
5. Fire the negative and positive anchors simultaneously
  • When I touch your left knee and your right knee like this, just notice what happens now...
  • (important: hold the two triggers for a few moments while the collision happens, and allow for the neurological dust to settle).
  • (Important: release the negative anchor a few seconds before you release the positive anchor, to allow the positive energy to fully absorb the remaining negative energy).
6. Test the collapse of the negative anchor
  • Most people say that this NLP pattern feels strangely good... perhaps a bit confusing, but in a good way... and that means it's working.
  • Now when I fire the negative anchor, has all the energy drained out of it? If no, return to step 5. If yes, proceed to step 7.
7. Reinforce the positive anchor
  • Now, I want you to recall that positive state in its full strength. See what you saw here which you heard and feel what you felt you were at the very peak of the positive state.
  • And now as you feel this very strongly, I'm going to touch you right here (touch the right knee or the right palm).
  • That's right. And now you're going to be able to invoke this resourceful state whenever you need it!

When to Use This Pattern:

Use the Collapsing Anchors pattern when you want to rid yourself or your client of unwanted thoughts or states that seem to arise at just the wrong time. When this pattern is done effectively, the negative state will just effortlessly melt into the anchored positive state all by itself.


John Grinder, and others.

NLP: Six-Step Reframing

The Idea:

The Six-Step Reframing Pattern indirectly engages the unconscious mind. When there is a shadowy part of you that you just can't put your finger on, but you know is behind some of your inappropriate behaviors, wouldn't it be great if you could just enter into dialogue with that part? If it could just show us a sign, then we could begin to understand it's purpose, and from there negotiate a peace.
During this process, we might never know the name or put a face to this unconscious part of us, but that should not stop us from being able to communicate with it. Think of this part as a kind of "dark knight" within you, which though it communicates obliquely via shadows, is really on your side if you can just discover and satisfy its higher intent. This is not unlike Batman, who must ally with Commissioner Gordon and DA Harvey Dent in pursuit of public safety and justice, is it not?

The Pattern:

NLP Six-Step Reframing

1. Identify a behavior that is causing you trouble

  • What behavior do you wish to change, which is subject to inner resistance?
  • What compulsive thoughts or actions would you like to change, but can't because there is part of you that won't cooperate?
2. Establish communication with the part that triggers this behavior

  • Go inside now and ask for that resistant part of you to reveal itself. Is there a feeling, a sound, a movement, a color or a sensation that let's you know "I'm listening"?
  • Ask that part of you if it is willing to communicate with you, and try to discern a yes or no.
  • If you get a no, it may be that it does not trust your intent, and so you must assure that part that you will respect its intent, and not abreact, whatever it is.
  • If you get a yes, thank the part, and you are ready to proceed.
3. Discover the positive intent of that part
  • Ask the part if it is willing to reveal its positive intent to conscious awareness. Trust that the answer will come, and be willing to wait for a yes or a no.
  • If you get a yes, then probe the part further to learn if it trusts your conscious judgement.
  • Do I allow this positive intent to be expressed?
  • Is there a more useful behavior that expresses the same positive intent as well? If you get a no, then you have more trust-work to do here.
  • Your part does not trust that solutions you have come up with will work as well.
4. Access creative resources
  • Ask your creative center to come up with 3 alternatives to present back to that part. These must be 3 new ideas, different than what you have tried before.
  • When you feel that these ideas will really work, then communicate them to this part.
5. Broker a deal and commit the part to the more resourceful behavior
  • Will the part that ran the old behavior be willing to run one or more of these new behaviors instead?
  • Will the part that ran the old behavior identify the triggers for the new behaviors? What are they?
6. Check for ecology
  • Is there any part of you that disagrees with running the new behaviors when triggered?
  • Are you fully congruent about this?

When to Use This Pattern:

There are parts of us that look out for us, but prefer to remain unnamed. They protect us, but in ways that are suboptimal. Try this whenever you struggle to name the part that manifests this behavior, but you want to seek its cooperation toward a better solution.
The Six-Step Reframing pattern is based on the metaphor of an unconscious "part". You must be very comfortable with this metaphor for this pattern to succeed. If you or the client feel awkward or confused about parts, then try something else.


Michael Hall, and others.

NLP: Aligning Neurological Levels

The Idea:

Aligning Neurological Levels, or the Aligned Self Pattern is one of my very favorite NLP patterns, because it can be a whole intervention in itself. It is based on the work of Robert Dilts, who discovered that people operate at different levels at different times, and when these levels are out of alignment with each other, people not only feel stuck, they are perceptibly stuck.
Like the Circle of Excellence, this pattern works extremely well both with individuals and in groups. This pattern is good for both remedial and generative work.

The Pattern:

NLP Agreement Frame

1. Create 6 Spatial Anchors 1-Step Apart on the Floor

Lay down 6 cards or coins about 1 step apart on the floor extending out in front of the explorer.
Each one of the cards will be spatially anchored as follows:
  • Environment (i.e. times and places)
  • Behaviors (i.e. behaviors, thoughts and states)
  • Capabilities (i.e. resources and skills)
  • Values and Beliefs (i.e. what's important or necessary)
  • Identity (i.e. who and what you are)
  • Spirit (i.e. highest intent and purpose, who else is touched)
2. Step Into the Environmental Spatial Anchor
  • Think of the times and places where you will want and need to be as congruent and resourceful as possible.
  • Think of another time and place where you will want and need these resources.
3. Step Into the Behavioral Spatial Anchor
  • Now, take a step forward into the next space, and think of all the behaviors you will need to achieve your outcome... your state, your thoughts and attitude, your posture and breathing, the way you speak and move.
4. Step Into the Capabilities Spatial Anchor
  • Now, take a step forward into the next space, and think of all the resources, skills, knowledge, people, information, strengths and abilities you will need to achieve your outcome...
  • Make sure these resources are ecologically sound... good.
5. Step Into the Values and Beliefs Spatial Anchor
  • Now, take a step forward and imagine the kinds of beliefs and values that serve you in achieving your outcome.
  • Take a moment to state those positive beliefs to yourself and notice how they support you in achieving your outcome.
  • Take a moment to organize your values so that first things come first... good.
6. Step Into the Identity Spatial Anchor
  • Now, take a step forward to notice how well who you are aligns with your pursuit and achievement of your outcome.
  • Take a moment to more perfectly align your identity with this pursuit... good... that's it.
7. Step Into the Spiritual Spatial Anchor
  • Now, take a final step into the realm of the eternal. Reflect on the positive legacy your contributions have left for mankind and posterity.
  • Take a moment to experience how that will look, sound and feel to have done something positive for others, and allow that experience to soak in, now.
8. Reinforce the Spiritual Spatial Anchor
  • Now, turn around 180 degrees and face the direction you came.
  • Take a moment now to reflect on how this highest purpose and intent can inform, modulate and enlighten all other aspects of your life.
9. Reinforce the Identity Spatial Anchor
  • Now take a step forward, and having experienced the eternal perspective, notice now how your identity has been deeply shaped in powerful ways.
  • Take a moment to project how this more powerful you will engage in the world.
10. Reinforce the Values and Beliefs Spatial Anchor
  • Now take a step forward, and having updated what it means to be you now, notice how your beliefs and values are informed, revised, updated and aligned naturally and easily.
  • Notice how easily it is to recognize and place first things first. Now imagine how those important things will easily get done, and how the less important things can also get done in due time.
  • Notice how confident you feel that you are also doing the right things.
11. Reinforce the Capabilities Spatial Anchor
  • Now take a step forward, and having updated and revised your priorities, values and beliefs, notice how your learning is accelerated, focused on what you'll need when you'll need it.
  • Notice also how your confidence and competence have also grown up side-by-side and how they support each other. Notice yourself in a flow state, enjoying being good at what you do now.
12. Reinforce the Behavioral Spatial Anchor
  • Now take a step forward, and see yourself as a detached observer, performing with confidence and competence those new skills and capabilities, and notice how your thoughts, emotions, posture, breathing, expression, speech, motions, decisions are all enhanced and perfected.
  • And now just step into that experience as yourself and see, hear and feel yourself doing these things as naturally, smoothly and easily as you saw your self when detached... good.
13. Reinforce the Environmental Spatial Anchor
Finally, take a last step forward, and bring all of these new resources, skills, powers into real-projected future places and times. See yourself doing everything fully congruent in these situations, notice what day and time it is, what you are wearing, who is present, and just feel great!

When to Use this Pattern:

Align Neurological Levels as a great group introduction to NLP. This is also an excellent exercise to finish off a chain of NLP interventions, because it reinforces and integrates learnings covering the gamut across all levels of experience.
Do try this exercise, it comes highly recommended. NLP Comprehensive also favors this exercise during their integration week at the end of Practitioner training, and for good reason!


Robert Dilts

Koleksi Nasihat Berguna

Thursday, March 21, 2013

NLP: Ketam Yang Dengki

Di Filipina, masyarakat kampung suka menangkap dan makan ketam sawah. Ketam mudah ditangkap di malam hari dan biasanya dimasukkan ke dalam bekas tanpa diikat. Keesokan harinya, ketam-ketam ini akan direbus dan dimakan sebagai lauk untuk beberapa hari.

Ketam-ketam yang ditangkap selalu berusaha untuk keluar dari bekas sekuat tenaga dengan menggunakan penyepit yang kuat. Namun seorang penangkap ketam yang handal selalu tenang walaupun hasil tangkapannya selalu berusaha meloloskan diri kerana dia tahu betul perangai si ketam.

Bila ada seekor ketam yang hampir meloloskan diri keluar dari bekas, teman-temannya pasti akan menariknya lagi kembali ke dasar. Jika ada lagi yang naik dengan cepat ke mulut bekas, teman-teman akan menariknya turun… dan begitu seterusnya sampai akhirnya tidak ada yang dapat keluar.

Keesokan harinya penangkap ketam hanya perlu merebus mereka semua dan matilah sekawan ketam yang saling dengki itu. Sepatutnya ketam-ketam tersebut bekerjasama untuk kebaikan semua.

* Begitu juga dalam kehidupan ini… tanpa sedar kita juga kadang-kadang menjadi seperti ketam-ketam itu. Yang seharusnya bergembira jika teman atau saudara kita mengalami kejayaan, kita mencurigai, jangan-jangan kejayaan itu diraih dengan jalan yang tidak benar.

Apalagi di dalam bisnis atau hal lain yang mengandungi unsur pertandingan, sifat iri, dengki atau munafik akan semakin nyata dan kalau tidak segera disedari mungkin membunuh diri kita sendiri.

sumber: internet

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Dr AK: Sayur Dan Ikan

Menu dinner kali ini agak berlainan sedikit, yang ada hanya ikan rebus, air asam dan sayur. Ini gara-gara hasil ujian darah yang menunjukkan kandungan kolestrol tinggi. Jadi selamat tinggal makanan berlemak, berminyak dan bersantan. Sedap memang sedap, suka memang suka cuma suka tidak semestinya bersama jika memudaratkan. Lebih baik hidup dengan buah, sayur dan ikan.

Dr AK: Generasi Ketiga NLP

Generasi pertama NLP adalah hasil kerja Dr. Richard Bandler dan Prof. John Grinder dalam modeling terapi yang berkesan. NLP memberi tumpuan kepada individu dan menyelesaikan masalah pada tahap tingkah laku dan keupayaan.

Generasi kedua NLP muncul di pertengahan 1980-an. Pada masa ini, NLP telah berkembang untuk menangani isu lain di luar konteks terapeutik. Walaupun masih memberi tumpuan kepada individu, generasi kedua NLP menekankan hubungan antara diri sendiri dan orang lain dan diperluaskan untuk merangkumi bidang perundingan, jualan, pendidikan dan kesihatan. Teknik NLP juga diperluas untuk merangkumi isu di peringkat yang lebih tinggi seperti kepercayaan dan nilai, "program meta" serta penggunaan garis masa, submodaliti dan kedudukan persepsi. 
Generasi ketiga NLP membangun sejak 1990-an. Ianya bersifat generatif, sistemik dan fokus pada peringkat pembelajaran, interaksi dan pembangunan yang lebih tinggi seperti identiti, visi dan misi.
Ia menekankan kepada perubahan keseluruhan sistem dan boleh digunakan untuk pembangunan organisasi dan budaya serta individu dan pasukan.  

Andaian generasi ketiga NLP adalah kebijaksanaan yang diperlukan untuk perubahan sudah ada dalam sistem dan boleh ditemui dan dibebaskan dengan mewujudkan konteks yang sesuai. Isaac Newton sering dipetik sebagai berkata, "Jika saya dapat melihat lebih jauh daripada orang lain, ia adalah kerana saya telah berdiri di atas bahu gergasi." Beberapa gergasi yang membentuk warisan NLP ialah Milton Erickson, Gregory Bateson dan Moshe Feldenkrais.

Dr AK: U Buntu Sebab U Tak "Ubuntu"


Seorang Ahli Antropologi mencadangkan satu permainan kepada kanak-kanak suku kaum Xhosa di Afrika. Beliau meletakkan sebuah bakul penuh dengan buah-buahan berdekatan dengan sebatang pokok dan memberitahu mereka " Sesiapa yang pertama dapat bakul ini akan memperoleh kesemua buah-buahan ini " ujarnya. Apabila beliau menyuruh kanak-kanak itu supaya mula berlari, kanak-kanak itu memegang tangan mereka sesama sendiri dan berlari bersama-sama, dan kemudian duduk bersama untuk menikmati buah-buahan tersebut. Lantas beliau bertanya kepada kanak-kanak tersebut "Mengapa kalian berbuat demikian?" Kanak-kanak itu menjawab "UBUNTU, bagaimana hanya seorang sahaja daripada kami merasa gembira sedangkan yang lain sedih?" UBUNTU didalam budaya Xhosa bermaksud "Aku adalah kita semua".

Sumber: Internet

Monday, March 18, 2013

Dr AK: Makna Dan Kebenaran?

Saya pernah ditanya, "Antara semua fahaman dalam Islam, mana satu yang BENAR?" Saya kata "Fahaman yang anda ikutlah yang benar kerana semua pengikut fahaman percaya fahaman merekalah yang benar, sebab itulah mereka ikut." Namun, kalau kita boleh keluarkan diri kita dan melangkah setapak ke belakang atau setingkat lebih tinggi ke level "kreatif" yang mana EGO iaitu sifat mazmumah seperti marah, dengki, benci, tamak dan taksub tiada dalam minda dan hati, kita akan dapati bahawa perbezaan fahaman adalah berkaitan dengan "MAKNA" (Semantik) yang kita beri dan akhirnya kita "PERCAYA" setelah melakukan meta-stating.

Perbezaan adalah berkaitan dengan "MAKNA" dalam mentafsirkan al-Quran. Ulama setiap fahaman secara arus perdananya teliti dalam memberi makna dan mempunyai peta minda tersendiri mengikut ilmu mereka, jadi yang mana BENAR (akhirnya), biarlah Allah yang menentukannya di akhirat sana. Oleh itu mudah untuk faham mengapa ulama-ulama besar pelbagai fahaman, seolah-olah seperti majisterium dalam Islam dengan koleksi 200 ulama dari 50 negara boleh bersepakat dalam mesej Amman ( kecuali mereka yang belum mampu menghilangkan EGO. Tuntutlah pelbagai ilmu dalam Islam termasuk NLP dan Neuro-Semantik, kemudian amalkannya agar boleh self-actualize, transcent dan bersaudara sesama Islam dalam erti kata yang sebenar.

Malangnya dalam senario politik di Malaysia sekarang, hanya isu kecil sudah "takfir" (menuduh kafir) walaupun sama fahaman agama iaitu Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah (Sunni). Tidakkah anda tertanya-tanya yang mana lebih besar, fahaman politik atau fahaman agama?

Based on the fatwas provided by these great scholars (who included the Shaykh Al-Azhar; Ayatollah Sistani and Sheikh Qaradawi), in July 2005 CE, H.M. King Abdullah II convened an international Islamic conference of 200 of the world's leading Islamic scholars 'Ulama) from 50 countries. In Amman, the scholars unanimously issued a ruling on three fundamental issues (which became known as the 'Three Points of the Amman Message'):

  1. They specifically recognized the validity of all 8 Mathhabs (legal schools) of Sunni, Shi'a and Ibadhi Islam; of traditional Islamic Theology (Ash'arism); of Islamic Mysticism (Sufism), and of true Salafi thought, and came to a precise definition of who is a Muslim.
  2. Based upon this definition they forbade takfir (declarations of apostasy) between Muslims.
  3. Based upon the Mathahib they set forth the subjective and objective preconditions for the issuing of fatwas, thereby exposing ignorant and illegitimate edicts in the name of Islam.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

IKLAN: Model Mind Lines (23-24 Mac, Shah Alam)

Shah Alam
23hb-24hb Mac 2013
9.00 Pg-6.00 Ptg
Yuran: RM1480.00 Sahaja

Model Mind Lines/ komunikasi berimpak tinggi dengan teknik framing & reframing. Mind lines,adalah baris yang boleh mengubah minda Tidakkah anda pernah mendengar beberapa patah perkataan atau sebaris ayat yang mengubah fikiran anda. Ianya adalah baris ayat yang memberi impak tinggi kepada emosi anda lalu mengakibatkan persepsi dan kelakuan anda berubah. Baris-baris perkataan atau ayat ini dikenali sebagai mind lines dalam istilah Neuro-Semantics. Sebagai manusia kita sentiasa berfikir dalam bentuk kerangka ataupun framing. Kerangka ini membentuk persepsi dan juga memandu kelakuan. Untuk mengubahnya kita melakukan kerangkaan semula atau reframing. Program 2 hari ini akan menunjuk cara kaedah-kaedah framing dan juga reframing. Ianya akan menerangkan tujuh (7) arah hala tuju cara berfikir dan 26 kaedah untuk melakukan kerangkaan semula ataupun reframing. Kedua-dua program ini adalah berteraskan kaedah-kaedah meta model dari Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) dan kaedah meta-states dari Neuro-Semantics.


1. Peserta-peserta yang mengikuti program ini akan mengetahui kaedah-kaedah komunikasi yang efektif melalui kerangkaan dan kerangkaan semula.
2. Mengubah pandangan atau persepsi seseorang melalui teknik reframing
3. Dapat berkomunikasi dengan cara yang lebih berkuasa (powerful communication)
4. Mengetahui cara kepercayaan dan persepsi terbentuk di peringkat abstrak yang lebih tinggi
5. Boleh membentuk kepercayaan dan nilai yang mengukuhkan diri
6. Menjelaskan bagaimana kepercayaan terbentuk dan diterapkan dalam diri kita.


MTM Consultants Sdn Bhd Learning Centre,
No 2 Aras 4, Pusat Dagangan UMNO Shah Alam,
Persiaran Damai, Seksyen 11, 40000 Shah Alam
Selangor Darul Ehsan.


Kepada yang berminat boleh hubungi kami (Suzana,Fina) di 03-5513 4588 / 03-5513 4462 atau email ke
Anda juga boleh melayari laman web kami untuk maklumat lanjut serta program-program yang akan datang.Kepada NLPer-NLPer yang telah mengikuti program ini tahniah kami ucapkan,

Salam 1NLP

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Dr AK: Berjaya Akhirnya

13 Mac 2013. Setelah viva selama 5 jam, Gareane a. l. Algreane, pelajar Doktor Falsafah dari Libya dimaklumkan lulus. Sebagai penyelia bersama, saya tumpang gembira bila mendengar keputusan jawatan kuasa penilaian tambahan pula melihat beliau disoal dari pelbagai sudut oleh pemeriksa dalam dan luar. Ianya seperti menonton filem hindustan yang kadang-kala ada bahagian yang suspen terutama apabila beliau ditanya dengan soalan-soalan fundamental yang perlu diselesaikan di white board. Kini dia perlu melakukan pembetulan dan menghantar tesis yang bertajuk "Seismic Response of Elevated Concrete Water Tank and Its Interactions with Soil and Water" untuk semakan. Tahniah! Usaha selama 6 1/2 tahun berjaya akhirnya.